Thursday, June 3, 2010


Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

At Humanities department, we use twitter all the time. We have 429 followers and we have organizations with similar interset that are following us such as Publishers weekly, NYtimes Books. I think Twitter is a great marketing tool to broadcast our programs to our customers or followers.


If you already use LibraryThing, what’s your favourite part?

Yes, I do use LibraryThing and what I like about it is to read people's comments on a particular book.

Online Productivity Tools

Do you see yourself using these tools or will you stick to more traditional methods. If you were to use one of these tools regularly, which would it be and why?

Yes, I see myself using Google Docs for my "budget travelling" presentation. I am going to upload my power point presentation at Google Docs, so I can access it any branch and not to worry about the different versions of powerpoint.